Saturday, September 1, 2018

Winging It

It has been way too long since I was out in my kayak. Distracted by other activities, but mostly, waiting for my new kayak to arrive and thinking how much faster I would go in my new smaller, lighter kayak. But, that new kayak is now a long way away off and it is time to regain some kayak fitness.

I took a wing paddle. Supposedly, wing paddles are 5 to 6 % faster than Euro blades with the caveat that you must have pretty impeccable technique to see that increase in speed. I am not good with a wing, I'm not that good with a Euro, either, but I'd be pretty happy to not always be the last paddler struggling to keep up.

It's hard to manage a wing, however, when you are focusing on keeping up with the group, so paddling solo is a great time for me to work on technique.

I trolleyed down to Sunshine Bay, our local beach and paddled over to Cullendulla and back via Snapper Island. It was glorious. Warm sun on the water, no wind. The water was a little murky after some recent storm events, and I'd forgotten how interesting it is paddling around Snapper Island.

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