Wednesday, June 19, 2024


This is old but still makes me laugh out loud; perhaps because I can remember when every trip, no matter how small and insignificant was described as a “mission.” There were “dawn patrol missions” and “stealth missions” to sneak in some ski runs in fresh powder before the crowds descended, and, of course, all those “climbing missions” which amounted to clip-ups belaying off the bumper of your car. Good times.

We were “missioning” yesterday, aka, enjoying some clip-ups at the local crag. Today was strength training day. I agree with all the people whose excuse for not strength training is that they like being outdoors even while I recognise that unless you are outdoors from dawn to dusk not strength training because you want to be outdoors is likely an excuse. But, I do understand because I would rather be off doing something fun – missioning if you will – on my bike, or my feet, or in my kayak, or even simply with my bouldering pad, but, everything you really want in life requires hard work and sacrifice, and, if it doesn’t maybe you want the wrong things.

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