Saturday, March 8, 2025

International Womens Day

On International Womens Day The Guardian published an article about how terrible it was that men who identify as women are being returned to men’s prisons under the Trump’s new gender orders. The subtitle of the article was: “Incarcerated trans women report being groped by male guards.” That sounds terrible. Too bad, The Guardian did not think to cover any of the true incidents of men, who identify as women in order to do “easier time” who, upon being transferred to women’s prisons go on to rape and sexually assault women prisoners. There are dozens and dozens of these reports, but, as only real women are harmed by these incidents, they are not worth reporting, even on International Womens Day.

Such is the banality of evil we now live with every day. And the irony, of “pussy grabber” Trump actually standing against the ideologues to offer real protection to women is not something I thought I would see in my life time. But I also didn’t think the entire world would shut down over a virus that well over 99% of people survived. But then again, I didn’t think the Left would become the political party of war (as long as they don’t actually have to fight), or big Pharma, or big Food, or rampart authoritarianism or child mutilation the likes of which would have made Hitler proud.

I turned away from the Left when gender ideology went mad. I thought, “if you can convince people that men can become women, you can convince people of anything.” And here we are. A chunk of society believes men can become women and visa versa. This same chunk of society believes anything and everything the MSM pumps out. Their social media accounts are a continuously rotating rainbow of icons signalling the latest virtue. And, in their hubris, they “call out” – Lefties love to “call out” - anyone who disagrees as stupid and manipulated while not recognising that they have signed up to a cult which demands absolute and devout obedience to each new and increasingly ridiculous edict. How long until the Far Left cuts their own hands off to pledge allegiance to the latest hoax? Already they are cutting the body parts off children and young adults. Mental illness and the inability to give informed consent is not an impediment.

I’m now a single issue voter. I’ll vote for any party that dismantles the woke mind virus. I agree with Gad Saad. These are parasitic viruses which take over the mind of the infected. Wokeism is not, as Jane Fonda recently said, “caring about other people.” Woke is indefensible ideas and failed policies that make everything worse. The Left, as someone much smarter than me once said, “does not understand the power of incentives,” which is, of course, the height of irony as everything the Left proposes is intended to signal their own virtue and raise their own social status; in other words, the Left is responding to incentives.

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