Tuesday, November 30, 2021

December Challenge: One Roll Per Side For The Day Of The Month

I am obsessed with two things right now, getting my Sea Skills and rock climbing. We have had so much rain that I actually have not climbed outside for a couple of weeks – except for sessions on my home wall. Hopefully that will change. I tidied up a couple of new bouldering areas on Monday and so I am looking forward to spending a few hours there. The hot weather is coming, however, and it will be time to pick cool, cloudy days for climbing. Sweating buckets and greasing off holds in high humidity with the sun beating down is not conducive to “sending the proj.”

The other obsession is Sea Skills which is why I am out paddling in bad weather and spending a lot of time surfing the kayak. And rolling, lots of rolling and surfing, my two weak areas. Today, in between catching waves, I probably did about 30 rolls, so I started thinking why not have a December challenge. Every day I have to roll once on each side for the day of the month. That is, two rolls (one each side) on the first, right through to 31 rolls on each side on December 31. Doug is not into it, but he said he would eat two blackberries (our brambles are loaded with fruit) for each day of the month. Doug's challenge sounds significantly less character building than mine.

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