Saturday, August 10, 2024

Nostalgic Paddling

Today was a bit like the old days when people came out to paddle. The old days too in that I was the only female among four men (three with beards – admit it ladies, they all look alike!). Doug and I paddled down to meet the crew at Surf Beach. Surf Beach has all the amenities (easy beach access, parking, water, even a cafe) but I’ve never suggested launching there before because it is a surf launch and that turns so many people off. After watching the trouble some folks had launching and landing through pretty easy surf last weekendat Boydtown I thought it was not a bad idea, given conditions were excessively friendly, to incorporate a surf launch and landing into the paddle.


It was an easy landing and easy launch and I got four chances (two for each) as I paddled back into Surf Beach at the end of the paddle to help with the kayaks. Doug paddled with a pod of dolphins on the way south but I, thinking as usual that I was late, was paddling swiftly down to Surf Beach and missed the dolphins altogether.


The Tollgate Islands, which I have visited dozens of times, did not disappoint. The water was clear and all manner of nooks, gutters, caves and grottos were paddled into. We spent a fair bit of time sitting outside the Blue Cave but conditions were just a bit punchy today with a long period swell so in the end no-one went in.


I think there will be more paddles that incorporate surf launches and landings. It’s never made sense to me that to avoid these entirely. Like paddling into the wind, dealing with surf seems a necessary skill. In the end, there’s no sense being the fastest paddler if you can’t get off the beach at the start of the day.

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