Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Six Things

Here is a list of six things that I learnt recently while working towards my sea guide qualification:

  1. The trip should be about the group having a good time not necessarily about your personal goals If you screen participants before the trip the likelihood of your personal goals coinciding with group goals increases. In fact, you can plan for that.
  2. Maintaining situational awareness is imperative, particularly when hazards are flipped over.
  3. Keep instructions concise, clear and to the point.
  4. Avoid excessive instructions and/or long monologues because when you really need the group to pay attention they won’t be listening.
  5. Build in appropriate safety margins by considering the worst thing that could happen. For example if someone capsizes right beside a bommie, reef, headland etc., do you have sufficient distance to perform a rescue or will you have to first tow them out of danger?
  6. Consider drift when rafting the group up. This applies to quick raft ups for “just in time” briefings and longer raft-ups where you want the group to say in one location. Transits help with this.

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