Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Sanity of Walking

Nothing stays the same, and some things never change.  Unknown.

I walked down the rock carved steps at the end of the street this morning and followed the track north to cross the Woronora River on the little footbridge.  The tide was running high in the river and schools of fish were flashing bright in the muddy water as they came together, flew apart, then came together again feeding on something along the river banks.  Occasionally, a loud splash would signify the presence of much bigger fish, but these I never saw. 

On the north bank, I followed the trail that climbs up through big bloodwoods and ferns, among crazily carved sandstones boulders and eventually gains the flat land at the top of the escarpment where you can look out over the Woronora River as it sluggishly winds its way to Heathcote.  Sulfur Crested Cockatoos were screeching over head and chewing branch ends off the gum trees and letting them fall to the forest floor. 

Bloodwoods and ferns

On my way back, as the morning moisture steamed out of the ground, great flocks of Lorikeets whirled in the trees, their brilliant colours flashing in the green of the forest.  I felt the calm and peace that walking in the forest inevitably induces in me.  We are still stuck in Sydney, still yearning to be out, but a walk in the woods is still a wonderful thing.  


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