Friday, July 23, 2021

Avoiding Instant Gratification

It takes some mental effort to get this blog out every day (today is day 11 of what I hope will be a 30 day streak) after I have been out all day. Today was work on the project day which meant I left home at just after 7.00 am and got back at 5.00 pm, hungry and filthy. As an adult, I, of course, had dinner ready to go, because adults should eat like adults. I would argue that children should also eat like adults but that is moving beyond catchy memes and more than I have time  for if I am to get this blog out on schedule.

Many times in life you have to suck up a whole lot of hard work, hunger and filth to end up with something you can be proud of and that gives you endless days of joy. This is the essence of making decisions based on third order effects instead of the instant gratification of first order effects.

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